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Clean Energy Solutions® by Axel Larsson

Valves and Instruments for Sustainable Energy

Hydrogen is a key component in the transition to a sustainable society. Its significance for the energy systems of the future cannot be underestimated, and its versatile applications make it a crucial piece in the quest to reduce carbon emissions and promote green energy.

Clean Energy Solutions® by Axel Larsson is an innovative business division dedicated to valves and instruments tailored for industrial processes within sustainable energy, with a strong focus on hydrogen. By specializing in valves for sustainable energy, we strive to make a real difference and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. With our unique expertise and focus, we work passionately to enable more efficient and sustainable processes within the energy sector. Welcome to join us on the journey towards a greener future.

Why Work with Hydrogen?

Hydrogen: A Clean Energy Carrier

One of the greatest advantages of hydrogen is that it is a clean energy carrier. When hydrogen is used as a fuel in a fuel cell, it combines with oxygen to produce electricity, water, and heat. This process releases only water vapor, which means it does not contribute to air pollution or carbon dioxide emissions. This makes hydrogen a very attractive alternative to fossil fuels, which are the major sources of greenhouse gases and climate change.

Production of Green Hydrogen

Hydrogen can be produced in several ways, but the most sustainable method is through the electrolysis of water using renewable energy, such as solar and wind power. This process is called green hydrogen production because it does not generate any carbon dioxide emissions. By using surplus energy from renewable sources to produce hydrogen, we can also store energy and balance the power grid, which is crucial for managing the intermittency of solar and wind power.

Versatile Applications

Energy Storage

One of the most promising uses of hydrogen is energy storage. Since hydrogen can be stored for long periods and used when needed, it can act as a buffer against variations in renewable energy production. This means that hydrogen can help ensure a stable and reliable energy supply, even when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing.

Transportation Sector

Hydrogen also has the potential to revolutionize the transportation sector. Fuel cell vehicles, including cars, trucks, trains, and even airplanes, can be powered by hydrogen. These vehicles have longer ranges and faster refueling times compared to battery electric vehicles, making them particularly suitable for heavy transport and long journeys. Additionally, they help reduce emissions from the transportation sector, which accounts for a significant portion of global carbon dioxide emissions.

Industrial Processes

Industries such as steel production and chemical manufacturing are difficult to decarbonize because they have traditionally relied on fossil fuels. Hydrogen can replace coal and natural gas in these processes, drastically reducing carbon dioxide emissions. For example, hydrogen can be used in the direct reduction of iron ore to produce steel without emitting carbon dioxide.

Contact us for more information


My name is Arjan Jacobs, and I am the Business Area Manager for Clean Energy Solutions by Axel Larsson. With support from my colleagues at Axel Larsson Maskinaffär AB, I am confident in our ability to help you find the optimal solutions for your needs. Contact me if you would like more information about valves and instruments tailored for industrial processes within sustainable energy, and join us on our journey towards a greener future in the energy industry.

Telephone: 010-455 97 55 Mail: arjan.jacobs@axel-larsson.se


News from Clean Energy Solutions®

Valves for hydrogen from Clean Energy Solutions®



We are excited to introduce one of our first deliveries from our newly established division, Clean Energy Solutions®. In this release, we proudly present four ball valves from Pekos, each equipped with safety stem extension with double packing on top, ensuring zero emissions.

Read more here



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